W.I.N. Wednesday: When you screw up, and you will screw up.
You are going to screw up.
You are going to make mistakes.
It is part of being human.
When you do screw up you have two choices:
A. Stand up. Man Up / Woman Up. Own up.
B. Deny. Demand proof. Point fingers.
It is a choice. Choose well.
When you choose to stand up and own up you are choosing to be a person of integrity. You are choosing to be a positive role model for your children, your peers, those you lead and for your leaders.
When you choose to deny, demand proof and point the finger of blame at others you are choosing to play the victim and compromise your integrity.
It is a choice. Choose well.
Understand that people are paying attention to the choices you make.
What’s Important Now? Take responsibility for your actions. Stand Up and Own Up.
Take care.
Brian Willis
Maximizing human potential through Life's Most Powerful Question - What's Important Now?
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