
One question bringing focus and clarity in the chaos and complexity of today's world.

W.I.N. Wednesday: A Better Question

James Hollis Ph.D. suggests that major personal decisions should be made not by asking, “Will this make me happy?” but “Will this choice enlarge me or diminish me?” 

That is a powerful reframe of what is likely a common question. Making decisions based on what we think will make us happy can be a slippery slope as it can be very short sighted. If in fact it does make you “happy” it is often a fleeting feeling. 

The question, “Will this choice enlarge me or diminish me?” is more of a big picture, long term thinking question and in line with the W.I.N. philosophy. It is more likely to result in choices that will help you to grow and develop in alignment with your core values and guiding principles. 

What’s Important Now? When making major personal decisions be sure to ask a better question. 

Take care.

Brian Willis



Maximizing human potential through Life's Most Powerful Question - What's Important Now?

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