W.I.N. Wednesday: Fake it until you make it?
We have all heard the advice, “Fake it until you make it.” While the intent behind this advice is usually well intended, I think it is a flawed philosophy.
Words have power and the words “fake it” cause me the most concern. If you are faking something it does not be real, authentic, truthful or sincere. Feeling like you are living a lie in an interaction, meeting or presentation is going to make you feel uncomfortable, which will be reflected in your body language and your self talk. Simply faking something is not going to get you to your goal or desired end state. In fact it may hold you back because you will continually feel like a fraud.
What might be a better option?
What if you combined the philosophies of Act As If with Believe It Until You Achieve It? Imagine your desired end state and how you will feel and act when you have achieved that state. Imagine what you need to learn to help you in that journey of growth. Imagine the small incremental action steps you need to commit to every day to continually move forward. Imagine the strengths you already have to help you achieve this goal. Imagine what a coach would be telling you every day to keep you on track, and be that coach for yourself. Believe that you have the ability and level of commitment necessary to accomplish that goal. Believe that you are the type of person who is willing to do the work to learn and grow. Then, with your thoughts and actions aligned, get to work. Act As If and Believe It Until You Achieve it.
While you are doing the work, and are still on the journey, be sure to celebrate the small wins and successes. Focus on W.I.N. – W.I.N.: What’s Important Now? - What is next? Pay attention to your self talk along the way and be your own success coach.
What’s Important Now? Act As If and Believe It Until You Achieve It can make a powerful combination to help you on your journey in the pursuit of excellence.
Take care.
Brian Willis
Maximizing human potential through Life's Most Powerful Question - What's Important Now?
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