W.I.N. Wednesday: Vote for the type of person you want to become.
Back at the start of October I wrote a W.I.N. Wednesday post based on a question from a participant at the NTOA conference on “How do I stick to my diet?” One of the strategies I wrote about was to create a new identity. That theme, along with the importance of taking action are woven through many of the W.I.N. Wednesday newsletters.
"Every action you take is a vote for the type of person you wish to become. No single instance will transform your beliefs, but as the votes build up, so does the evidence of your new identity."
James Clear
The themes of action and identity were front of mind the other morning when I had no “motivation” to work out. I was about to blow the workout off and come up with an excuse to try and rationalize that to myself when I heard that little voice in my head saying, “It is not like you to skip your workout just because you don’t feel like it.” That was enough to get me out of my funk and get me started and once I started, I had a good workout. As James Clear states in the above quote, that action was a vote for the type of person I wish to become.
I almost made the above little story generic because I do not want to become the type of person who is always posting selfies, and writing stories to say, “Heh look at me.” I then realized that it is ok occasionally to share small stories to show that I am working to practice what I preach.
The wording “the type of person you wish to become” is important as it implies that we are on a continual journey of becoming that person. This is not something that you achieve, tick off that box, then stop striving. This also embodies the philosophy of “Believe it until you achieve it”.
Once you are clear on the type of person you wish to become it may be helpful to draw a line down the middle of a piece of paper and on the left side make a list of behaviors (actions) that are “like me” and cast a vote for the type of person you are becoming, and on the right side of the paper make a list of behaviors that are “No like me”.
You can do the same exercise with a sports team, or a team of people at work. Once you are clear on the type of team you want to become make the “Like Us” and “Not Like Us” list that everyone contributes to, and everyone agrees on. Once you have the team list then individuals can make their own list of the types of behaviors as individuals that support what you are building as a team.
Remember to have compassion for yourself and others in the journey of becoming. We are all human. We are all flawed. We will all have good days and bad days. We will all make mistakes. We will all falter. We you do then pick yourself and others up, reflect of the learning opportunity and move forward better off for the experience.
What’s Important Now? Take small actions today, and every day, that will cast a vote for the type of person you want to become.
Take care.
Brian Willis
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