
One question bringing focus and clarity in the chaos and complexity of today's world.

W.I.N. Wednesday: I realized I am ok being aggressively average.

In the past few months, I had the opportunity to interview Jay Dawes PhD twice for The Excellence in Training Academy. Jay is an Associate Professor of Applied Exercise Science at Oklahoma State University. While discussing fitness for Tactical Athletes / First Responders Jay talked about the concept of being “aggressively average”. This references the need to develop all aspects of fitness (speed, power, strength, mobility, aerobic capacity, anerobic capacity) and not just focusing on being really good at one element so that as a first responder you can best meet the demands of the profession.

I began to reflect on this in relation to my fitness and realized this is my goal as I age. I am never going to be the fittest, the fastest, the strongest, the most powerful, have the best Max VO2, or the greatest aerobic base, but I can strive to be aggressively average in all those areas for functionality in life and for health span. As a result, I have adopted this mindset for my fitness regime.

The more I thought about the concept of “aggressively average” the more I have come to realize that I am ok with this mindset in all aspects of my life. Now some of you might be thinking, “What about embracing the pursuit of excellence and Dare to Be Great that you always talk about Willis?” I don’t think they are mutually exclusive. The key for me is the word ‘aggressively’ in aggressively average. Aggressively means that I am continually striving for small incremental gains. It means that I am striving to be ‘my best’, not ‘the best’. As I reflected on this concept of being aggressively average, I came to the realization that this has been the theme of my life.

I have never been the strongest, fittest, fattest, fastest, best looking, most educated, or smartest. I have never been the best leader, trainer, speaker, interviewer, or writer. When I was awarded the Law Officer Trainer of The Year Award, it was not for being the best trainer. It was for being aggressively average as a trainer and being committed to helping and supporting some worthy causes. I will never be in a Hall of Fame or on a “Top 40” list. And I am fine with that.

When I was the Sergeant of the Skills and Procedures Unit with the Calgary Police Service, I was never the most skilled in control tactics, officer safety tactics, firearms, driving or any of the areas we taught. I surrounded myself with people who were more skilled and more knowledgeable in all those areas, and they made me look good as the supervisor. I never sought promotion past the rank of Sergeant because I found my niche in training and that was the area where I felt I could have the greatest impact for the men and women of the Calgary Police Service.

I have the privilege of knowing some really smart people who have helped me figure stuff out so I can continue to get better. I have the privilege to interview a lot of really smart people for The Excellence in Training Academy. In order not to waste their time in the interviews I generally do between 2 and 12 hours research before every one of those interviews. That preparation along with the insights I gain from the interviews allows me to continually learn and grow. To me, that is what being ‘aggressively average’ is about.

I hear people get asked in interviews, “What is your superpower?” If I was ever asked that question my answer would have to be, “I don’t have any.” I have some strengths, but I certainly don’t have any superpowers. And I am ok with that.

What’s Important Now? It is ok to be ”aggressively average”. Just remember the importance of the word “aggressively”.

Take care.

Brian Willis



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