
One question bringing focus and clarity in the chaos and complexity of today's world.

W.I.N. Wednesday: In search of the “right answer”.

We learned in school that there was always a “right answer” to the test question. You either got the answer right, or you did not. If you got it wrong, you lost marks. Those of us who were prone to want to debate the “right answer”, usually learned that that was a lost cause and therefore learned to provide the “right answer” the teacher was looking for.

Once we get out of school, we learn that in life the “right answer” is generally not as cut and dry. There is often a lot of nuance and complexity to the answer. Many have heard me respond questions about the “right answer” with, “It depends.”, followed by a series of questions to determine the context and even with that information the reality is likely that there is multiple “right answers’. I like the way that Michell C. Clark frames this reality of life in the following quote.  

“There’s no “right answer”— only endless possibilities, unanswered questions, and an inability to satisfy everyone. Every day, we have to make nuanced decisions and snap judgements about how we’re going to use our time, energy, and resources. And sometimes, we have to choose between self-preservation and showing up for the people we love. We have to choose between vulnerability and self-protection. We have to choose between taking care of ourselves and taking care of the people we love. I don’t know if these decisions ever get easier. I don’t know if life ever starts to make more sense. What I do know is that we owe it to ourselves to keep learning ourselves, our needs, and our boundaries so that we can better understand how to show up for ourselves, the people we love, and the world.” Michell C. Clark

While there may not be a singular “right answer” you still must make choices, decide on a course of action and act. Life’s Most Powerful Question – What’s Important Now? can help you make those decisions.

What’s Important Now? Life is full of choices. Choose well, assess, iterate, and keep moving forward.

Take care.

Brian Willis



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