W.I.N. Wednesday: Work Hard in Silence. (Another rant from a grumpy old man.)
Two quotes for your consideration this week.
“Work hard in silence. Let success be your noise.”
Frank Ocean
“Worry not who knows of you; seek to be worth knowing.”
A conversation I had yesterday reminded me of these two quotes. Chris is at the top of his field of competition. He does not have any social media accounts. He does not post “Heh, look at me.” pictures of himself. He works extremely hard in silence and lets his success be his noise.
I would encourage you to spend time reflecting on these two quotes, then with the two quotes in mind go back and look at your social media posts. How many of them are “Heh, look at me.” posts? This includes trainers posting “Heh, look at me.” posts disguised as “Heh, look at the great group of people who attended my training today.” And people in leadership positions posting “Heh, look at me.” posts disguised as “Heh, look at the great people in my organization that I am out working with for a shift.”
If the people who attended your training found value in it and choose to make an unsolicited post about the training, then you can comment on the post, thank them for their participation and let them know you are glad that they found value in the content. As a side note I do not believe the fact that someone attends my training, voluntarily or not, gives me the automatic right to use them in selfies or other pictures from my training.
If you want to recognize the great work your people do then make the post about them, not about you, and if you are posting a picture of them (with their permission), then stay out of the picture.
I encourage you to share content that is of value to other people and to acknowledge the good work of others. Just don’t make it about you.
Enough said.
What’s Important Now? Work hard in silence and seek to be worth knowing.
Take care.
Brian Willis