
One question bringing focus and clarity in the chaos and complexity of today's world.

W.I.N. Wednesday: What if?

What if you could accomplish that goal? What would you need to learn, what skills would you need, who else would you need on the team and what would be the first step?

What if it could work? What would that look and feel like?

What if you sought to live a life of service and significance instead of focusing on society’s arbitrary ideas of success?

What if you did what was right instead of what was popular, easy and expedient?

What if you spent 10 minutes every day reading nonfiction books?

What if you love your children unconditionally and supported them as they made their own way through life? 

What if you focused on What’s Important Now?

What if you chose to not accept yesterday’s definition of your best? 

What if you prioritized your rest and recovery? What could you accomplish? 

What if you focused on being Your Best instead of The Best?

What if as a leader you trained your people, provided guidelines and guardrails for your people and then trusted your people to make decisions and do the work?

What if you made training your Mind, Body and Craft a priority? 

It is too easy to get caught up in all the reasons “why not”; why something won’t work, why you do not have time, why you are not smart enough, why you are not in a position of influence, why you are not fit enough, why you are not a leader, or why people don’t understand your ‘unique’ circumstances. 

What if you shifted your thinking? What if shifting your thinking could positively impact your life? What if you could? What if you already are smart enough? What if you already are in a position of influence? What if leadership is not about rank, position and title and you already are in a position to lead? 

What’s Important Now? Ask “What if?” more often. 

Take care.

Brian Willis



Maximizing human potential through Life's Most Powerful Question - What's Important Now?

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