W.I.N. Wednesday: Don’t try to win over the haters.
There is a powerful quote from the author Scott Stratten, which can serve all of us as we go through life. Stratten’s quote is: “Don’t try to win over the haters; you’re not the jackass whisperer.”
Great advice. The haters are going to hate, regardless of what you do. They see that as their role and their mission. Hate is not based on logic, facts and analytics; it is based on emotions. Making a logical argument with an emotional person (a hater) is never effective.
Not everyone is going to love every idea you have, every presentation you give, every blog post you write, or every suggested change you propose. Be careful however, not to confuse the skeptics with the haters. You can win over the skeptics. You can win their hearts and minds. They just need some convincing. They need to understand the pain you are seeking to solve, the benefits of your idea in moving the mission or project forward and how it benefits them and the rest of the team.
The skeptics will help you to better develop your idea. They will cause you to think about it from different perspectives and consider the possible flaws and weaknesses in your idea. The skeptics challenge you to go deeper with your ideas, your understanding and your explanations. They make you look at it from other perspectives you had previously not considered. The skeptics can reveal gaps in your plan that you are blind to.
What’s Important Now? Be care of whom you spend your time and energy trying to win over.
Take care.
Brian Willis
Maximizing human potential through Life's Most Powerful Question - What's Important Now?
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