W.I.N. Wednesday: You can pay now, or you can potentially pay a huge price later.
Attention is a limited commodity.
As humans we will pay attention to what is important to us in the moment.
Sometimes “what is important” will be determined by the immediate presence of danger or a potential threat. When that happens there will be things in the environment that you are not attending to and become fundamentally blind to.
Other times you get to choose what you pay attention to. Here too, you will be "blind' to what you are not attending to.
During the safety briefing on an airplane you can choose to pay attention to the safety briefing or you can pay attention to your phone, your book, the person beside you or something else that will not contribute to your safety and performance during an emergency.
When you are driving you can pay attention to the roadway, to traffic, to the presence of pedestrians and to the potential for danger, or you can pay attention to your phone and possible pay with your life, or cost someone else their life.
When you are walking down a sidewalk, or through a mall, airport or other public place you can pay attention to where you are going and what is happening around you, or you can pay attention to your phone and be completely unaware of other people and / or potential hazards in your environment.
When you are in a conversation with another person you can pay attention to them, what they are saying and not saying, their facial expressions and body language, their feelings and emotions or you can pay attention to distractions such as your phone or Apple watch beeping or buzzing, that e-mail on your computer or the television. Understand the impact on the other person, the relationship and the consequences of choosing the distractions over the person.
What’s Important Now? Attention is a limited commodity. Be aware of what you are paying attention to. Train your attention. Invest your attention wisely.
Take care.
Brian Willis
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