W.I.N. Wednesday: Simply do it.
If it is the right thing to do, simply do it. You do not have to take the “heh look at me” selfie photos and videos and post them online. Simply do it.
If you wish to give a server in a restaurant an unusually large tip to help them out, then simply do it. Simply do it at the end of the meal and let them discover it after you have left. When you take and post the selfie you make it all about you, and not about the act.
If you perform a random act of kindness for a stranger, simply do it. Do it because it is the right thing to do. Do it because it makes the person feel seen, valued appreciated. (It will also make you feel good.) If you take and post the selfie it is not a random act of kindness, it is a staged act to show everyone how “kind and giving” you are and you have just made it all about you.
If you are in a formal leadership position and you go out and work alongside your people to let them know you appreciate what they do and make them feel seen, heard, valued, and appreciated then simply do it. That is what leaders should be doing. When you take and post the selfie you have just made it all about you.
Posting a selfie with a group of people with the caption, “I had the opportunity to (spend the day with, teach, train, etc.) this great group of people today.” Makes it about you, not them. If you have the opportunity to train a great group of people, then simply do it and do it to the best of your abilities. If they want to post something of their own initiative, not because you asked them to, that is different.
Simply do your job, treat people right, have an all-in attitude and give an all-out effort because it is the right thing to do, and please skip the “heh look at me selfie”.
What’s Important Now? Simply do it.
Take care.
Brian Willis
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