If you hate your job, you have three basic choices:
1. Change your attitude.
2. Change jobs.
3. Choose to be miserable.
The problem with Option #3 is that when you choose to be miserable, and it is a choice, you are also choosing to make everyone else around you miserable. You are impacting your family, your co-workers, your customers, and everyone else you interact with.
The problem with Option #2 is that it is likely your boss you dislike, not necessarily your job. The research shows that many people leave jobs to get away from bad bosses. The research also shows that there are a large percentage of people in the workforce who go to jobs every day that they hate. They are likely going to work for bad bosses every day. If you are quitting your job because you hate your boss, what are the chances then that you will land a job where you get to work for a great leader? If you do land a job working for great leader what are the chances, they will be there long term or that if you choose to seek promotion that once you get promoted you will get to work for a great leader in that position? It would seem there is a shortage of great leaders at all levels, in many organizations. You could start your own business. Just be careful you do not end up with a bad boss there as well.
That takes us to Option #1 – Change Your Attitude. Simple. Not easy. This starts with focusing on what you control and controlling the controllable. You do not control your boss. You do control your attitude. Take time to reflect on your job and find meaning and purpose in the work. It does not matter what you do for a living, you can find value and purpose in that work if you choose to. You are serving someone. You are allowing other people to do their job.
The most important people in a hospital to reduce the spread of infection are likely the cleaning staff. The housekeeping staff at a hotel are critical to the experience people have with that hotel, especially in a world with digital keys where you may have limited interaction with people at the hotel. The people working in a factory that makes the material from which body armor is made are saving the lives of law enforcement and military personnel. The ticket agent at the airport is often the first point of contact for a trip and their attitude in dealing with you can impact your entire trip.
Choose to take pride in what you do and find value and purpose in what you do. If your boss is an ass, that sucks. Embrace the Suck and choose not to allow them to negatively impact your entire life. Simple. Not easy.
Accept that you are in a position to lead. Leadership is never about rank, position and title. Those things put you in a formal leadership position, they do not make you a leader. Author and leadership guru John Maxwell says that leadership is Influence. Accept that you are in a position of influence in your organization.
Follow the Leadership 101 advice below.
Leadership 101
· Do Your Job
· Treat People Right
· Give All Out Effort
· Have An All In Attitude
If there is a lack of leadership in your organization then consider seeking promotion and change that by becoming the leader you always wanted.
I am not a fan of the advice, “Find a job you love, and you will never have to work another day in your life.” Too many people spend their entire careers being miserable seeking that illusive “job they love”. Consider changing your attitude and learning to love what you do. You may find that you enjoy what you do, who you do it with and who you do it for. You will also likely put more effort into the work you do, seek opportunities to learn and grow and you may just find that new opportunities open up for you.
Changing your attitude will also positively impact your health and your relationships.
What’s Important Now? Life is full of choices. Choose well.
Take care.
Brian Willis