
One question bringing focus and clarity in the chaos and complexity of today's world.

W.I.N. Wednesday: 9 concepts and quotes for you to ponder.

These are challenging times. We are all impacted and will all be “tested” in a variety of ways. Below are 9 concepts and quotes for you to ponder, share, discuss, debate and apply as you work to get through, and grow through those challenges.  As you do so remember the difference between Simple and Easy. Simple is the lack of complexity and Easy is the lack of effort. These may seem Simple, but they are not easy. 


You must retain unwavering faith that you can and will prevail in the end, regardless of the difficulties, and that at the same time have the discipline to confront the most brutal facts of your current reality.

The Stockdale Paradox


“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms - to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way”

Victor E. Frankl


"Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired and success achieved."

Helen Keller


“For what then matters is to bear witness the uniquely human potential at its best, which is to transform a personal tragedy into a triumph, to turn one’s predicament into a human achievement. When we are no longer able to change a situation we are challenged to change ourselves.”

Victor E. Frankl


“Out of this capacity to experience a “gap” between self and world, between stimulus and response, man has developed his capacity to use symbols, to reason, and to speak in language. These are the unique ways in which mind expresses itself. Indeed I would define mental health as the capacity to be aware of the gap between stimulus and response, together with the capacity to use this gap constructively.”

Rollo May


“I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions.”

Stephen R. Covey


“Man has the capacity for pause between stimulus and response — he may choose among alternatives in responding. This is the taproot of individual freedom.”

Rollo May


"Nothing splendid has ever been achieved except by those who dared believe that something inside them was superior to circumstance."

Bruce Barton


“Overwhelmingly, experts agree that resilience isn’t something you  have or you don’t.  It’s neither a state or a trait, but a process. Like officer safety, physical fitness, or sobriety, it’s something that requires a daily commitment and actions in furtherance of this commitment.”

Stephanie Conn PhD, Increasing Resilience in Police and Emergency Personnel


What’s Important Now? Find ways to Embrace the Suck, Look for the Good and Dare to Be Great. 

Take care.

Brian Willis



Maximizing human potential through Life's Most Powerful Question - What's Important Now?

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W.I.N. Wednesday: A software update for your brain.

"Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers."

Charles William Eliot

In these times of self-isolation, self quarantine and social distancing reading can be a source of comfort, engagement, learning, growth, entertainment and escape. Books allow you to make connections with the quietest and most constant of friends, the wisest of counselors and the most patient of teachers without violating any of the social distancing recommendations.

I am not talking about getting caught up reading the constant streams of doom and gloom on your phone. I am talking about sitting down with one of those well written non-fiction books sitting in your virtual library or on your bookshelf, or picking up a great novel and sitting down to some quality reading. 

“Reading is like a software update for your brain.” 

James Clear

Read just 10 minutes every day from a non-fiction book and you will read at least 10 books a year. Read an hour a day from a non-fiction book and you will read at least one a week. 

For me 90 to 95 percent of the books I read in a year are non-fiction. My dad, who is a voracious reader, always used to ask me what I was reading and if I was reading for work or for pleasure. My answer to the “reading for work or pleasure” question was always yes to both. All the non-fiction books I read, I read for learning and growth. I read them to tap into the wisdom and experience of others and to gain a deeper understanding of topics of interest to me. I read them to challenge my thinking and assumptions. I read them to continually remind me of how much I do not know and still have yet to learn. I read them to create new connections to what I already know. I am continually seeking ways to apply that learning to my work. For me, that is a pleasurable experience. Every few months I hit a point where I need to read a fiction book from one of my go to fiction authors and that is a pleasurable experience as well. Now my dad simply asks, “What are you reading?”

These are challenging and uncertain times. For those of you in health care, first responders and others (Thank you to all of you for your service.), you may have very little or no free time. For others of us, we find ourselves with a lot of free time. It is easy to get caught up watching the 24 hour news coverage or get drawn into the social media rabbit hole. If you have free time then be sure to make time every day to read. 

What’s Important Now? Make time every day to do that software update for your brain, even if it is just ten minutes. 

Take care.

Brian Willis



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W.I.N. Wednesday: Words can inspire, thoughts can provoke, but...

"Words can inspire, thoughts can provoke, but only action truly brings you closer to your dreams."

Brad Sugars

This is the challenge for speakers, writers, trainers, podcasters and teachers. You strive to find words that will inspire the listeners and readers to take action to learn, grow, strive for greatness in their lives and contribute to a cause greater than themselves. You communicate thoughts and ideas you hope will provoke people to think, act, live, train and lead differently. 

You then transfer control to the participant, reader or listener. You cannot force people to learn or to take meaningful action on those words and thoughts. 

The challenge then to us, as the reader, listener, or student is to take meaningful action once control is transferred to us. Without action we will not improve ourselves, or our circumstance. Action needs to be deliberate and sustained over time. As James Clear says, “Consistency is more important than intensity.” It is the small consistent actions over time that will have the compound effect and the greatest potential for sustained forward progress. 

What’s Important Now? Growth is a team sport and we all play an important role. 

Take care.

Brian Willis



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W.I.N. Wednesday: Love yourself enough

"Love yourself enough to create an environment in your life that is conducive to the nourishment of your personal growth. Allow yourself to let go of the people, thoughts, and situations that poison your well-being."

Steve Maraboli

This is not always easy, but it is critical to your well-being and to your growth. 

What’s Important Now? Love yourself enough to let go of the people, thoughts, and situations that poison your well-being. 

Take care.

Brian Willis



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W.I.N. Wednesday: Fake it until you make it?

We have all heard the advice, “Fake it until you make it.” While the intent behind this advice is usually well intended, I think it is a flawed philosophy. 

Words have power and the words “fake it” cause me the most concern. If you are faking something it does not be real, authentic, truthful or sincere. Feeling like you are living a lie in an interaction, meeting or presentation is going to make you feel uncomfortable, which will be reflected in your body language and your self talk. Simply faking something is not going to get you to your goal or desired end state. In fact it may hold you back because you will continually feel like a fraud. 

What might be a better option? 

What if you combined the philosophies of Act As If with Believe It Until You Achieve It? Imagine your desired end state and how you will feel and act when you have achieved that state. Imagine what you need to learn to help you in that journey of growth. Imagine the small incremental action steps you need to commit to every day to continually move forward. Imagine the strengths you already have to help you achieve this goal. Imagine what a coach would be telling you every day to keep you on track, and be that coach for yourself. Believe that you have the ability and level of commitment necessary to accomplish that goal. Believe that you are the type of person who is willing to do the work to learn and grow. Then, with your thoughts and actions aligned, get to work. Act As If and Believe It Until You Achieve it.

While you are doing the work, and are still on the journey, be sure to celebrate the small wins and successes. Focus on W.I.N. – W.I.N.: What’s Important Now? - What is next? Pay attention to your self talk along the way and be your own success coach. 

What’s Important Now? Act As If and Believe It Until You Achieve It can make a powerful combination to help you on your journey in the pursuit of excellence. 

Take care.

Brian Willis



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W.I.N. Wednesday: They screwed me over. I can’t just let that go.

How often do people spend their time, energy and efforts trying to get even with someone they feel has done them wrong? It may be a boss, a former romantic partner, a company, a co-worker or a host of other people.

“Time spent getting even would be better spent trying to get ahead.”  

Coach John Wooden

If you shared John Wooden’s quote with them they would likely comeback with something along the lines of, “Yeah. That is great. But, you don’t understand. They screwed me over. I can’t just let that go.”

It sucks that you got screwed over. And yes you can let it go. You can Embrace the Suck, Look for the Good and Dare to Be Great by spending your time working on getting ahead instead of getting even. 

“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms - to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way”

Victor E. Frankl

“Getting even” is a myth and a black hole of back and forth tit for tat that never ends well for anyone. 

Is the advice to Embrace the Suck, Look for the Good and Dare to Be Great simple (lack of complexity)? Yes. Is it easy (lack of effort)? No. Is it far more beneficial for you mentally and physically? Yes. 

"Hanging onto resentment is letting someone you despise live rent-free in your head."

Esther Lederer, a.k.a. Ann Landers

What’s Important Now? There is no value in allowing squatters to live rent free in your head. Embrace – Look – Dare.

Take care.

Brian Willis



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W.I.N. Wednesday: What if?

What if you could accomplish that goal? What would you need to learn, what skills would you need, who else would you need on the team and what would be the first step?

What if it could work? What would that look and feel like?

What if you sought to live a life of service and significance instead of focusing on society’s arbitrary ideas of success?

What if you did what was right instead of what was popular, easy and expedient?

What if you spent 10 minutes every day reading nonfiction books?

What if you love your children unconditionally and supported them as they made their own way through life? 

What if you focused on What’s Important Now?

What if you chose to not accept yesterday’s definition of your best? 

What if you prioritized your rest and recovery? What could you accomplish? 

What if you focused on being Your Best instead of The Best?

What if as a leader you trained your people, provided guidelines and guardrails for your people and then trusted your people to make decisions and do the work?

What if you made training your Mind, Body and Craft a priority? 

It is too easy to get caught up in all the reasons “why not”; why something won’t work, why you do not have time, why you are not smart enough, why you are not in a position of influence, why you are not fit enough, why you are not a leader, or why people don’t understand your ‘unique’ circumstances. 

What if you shifted your thinking? What if shifting your thinking could positively impact your life? What if you could? What if you already are smart enough? What if you already are in a position of influence? What if leadership is not about rank, position and title and you already are in a position to lead? 

What’s Important Now? Ask “What if?” more often. 

Take care.

Brian Willis



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W.I.N. Wednesday: Don’t try to win over the haters.

There is a powerful quote from the author Scott Stratten, which can serve all of us as we go through life. Stratten’s quote is: “Don’t try to win over the haters; you’re not the jackass whisperer.”

Great advice. The haters are going to hate, regardless of what you do. They see that as their role and their mission. Hate is not based on logic, facts and analytics; it is based on emotions. Making a logical argument with an emotional person (a hater) is never effective.  

Not everyone is going to love every idea you have, every presentation you give, every blog post you write, or every suggested change you propose. Be careful however, not to confuse the skeptics with the haters. You can win over the skeptics. You can win their hearts and minds. They just need some convincing. They need to understand the pain you are seeking to solve, the benefits of your idea in moving the mission or project forward and how it benefits them and the rest of the team. 

The skeptics will help you to better develop your idea. They will cause you to think about it from different perspectives and consider the possible flaws and weaknesses in your idea. The skeptics challenge you to go deeper with your ideas, your understanding and your explanations. They make you look at it from other perspectives you had previously not considered. The skeptics can reveal gaps in your plan that you are blind to. 

What’s Important Now? Be care of whom you spend your time and energy trying to win over. 

Take care.

Brian Willis



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W.I.N. Wednesday: I am not good at this.

It is easy to beat yourself up and even give up early in the process of learning or mastering a skill. 

Every New York Times Best Selling Author was once a struggling writer who wrote a bunch of crap. 

Every Olympian was once struggling to learn their sport.

Every World Class Speaker at one time struggled with public speaking.

Everyone who has achieved mastery at a skill at one time thought to themselves, likely on a daily basis early in the learning process, “I am not good at this.” The difference is that they did not end the conversation there. They added the words, “Right now.” or “Yet” to that statement. They told themselves, “I am not good at this right now, but I know that if I keep working at it I will get better. I need to be patient and consistent with my practice.” 

No one starts off with a level of Mastery. It is a process, a journey and a life long commitment. The best in the world still engage in what Anders Ericsson calls Purposeful and Deliberate Practice. They are continually pushing themselves to improve and getting feedback through self-critique and evaluation and / or through coaches. They also have a Growth Mindset and Grit and realize struggle and effort are part of the journey. 

If you are learning a new skill, or seeking to enhance or master a current skill you need to first decide if it is important enough to you for you to put in the time and deliberate effort required. If it is, then make the long-term commitment to do the work and remember to add the words “right now”, or “yet” to the statement, “I am not good at this.”

What’s Important Now? Remember that every Master was once a beginner and most Masters retain a beginner mindset to ensure they keep doing the work. 

Take care.

Brian Willis



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W.I.N. Wednesday: How progress is achieved.

“Progress is not achieved by luck or accident, but by working on yourself daily.”


This goes back to the wisdom from I shared in a post on December 18 from James Clear, “Consistency is more important than Intensity.”

Progress is the result of the habits and the rituals you develop. The little things you do day in and day out. The things that you are clear on why they are important and you have made them a priority and part of your daily rituals. In that moment of doing, you are not going to see some amazing outcome. And you are ok with that because you realize it is a journey and your focus is on the consistent effort and the process. 

Being healthy is not the result of one great workout, one healthy meal, one meditation session, or one walk in nature. Likewise, being unhealthy is not the result of one skipped workout, one bad meal, or one missed meditation session. If you miss a workout, eat an unhealthy meal or skip your daily meditation session you are just one decision away from getting back on track.

Progress, like health and wellness, is the accumulation over time of your daily choices, decisions and priorities. 

What’s Important Now? You are a work in progress. Work on yourself daily. Focus on what you control, which is consistency, effort and process.

Take care.

Brian Willis



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W.I.N. Wednesday: What have you read?

Two questions I often ask, and are often asked of me are:

·      What have you read that I should read?

·      What have you listened to that I should listen to?

As we start a new year here are some of the books I read in 2019 that have made my recommended reading list, as well as three of my favourite podcasts and two of my favourite blogs / newsletters:


The Infinite Game – Simon Sinek

Mastery – Robert Greene

Genius Foods – Max Lugavere

Why We Sleep – Matthew Walker

So Good They Can’t Ignore You – Cal Newport

Powerful Teaching - Patrice M. Bain and Pooja K. Agarwal

Can’t Hurt Me – David Goggins


Impact Theory and Impact Health – Tom Bilyeu

Finding Mastery – Michael Gervais

The Genius Life - Max Lugavere

Newsletters / Blogs:

Seth’s Blog - Seth Godin

3-2-1 Thursday – James Clear

What about you? What have you read that I should read? What have you listened to that I should listen to?

What’s Important Now? Keep reading, keep listening, and keep learning.

Take care.

Brian Willis



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W.I.N. Wednesday: Whenever You Are About to Find Fault

"Whenever you are about to find fault with someone, ask yourself the following question: What fault of mine most nearly resembles the one I am about to criticize?"

Marcus Aurelius

When you make the conscious effort to ask the question “What fault of mine most nearly resembles the one I am about to criticize?” what you may discover is the insight that the reason you are frustrated with that person is because they reflect back a piece of you that you do not like. 

What’s Important Now? Do it. You may be surprised what you learn about yourself. 

Take care.

Brian Willis



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W.I.N. Wednesday: Wisdom From Clear Heading into a New Year

One of the e-mail newsletters I look forward to every week is James Clear’s 3-2-1 Thursday. Clear is the author of the great book Atomic Habits and every week shares 3 ideas from him, 2 quotes from other people and 1 question. Here are three ideas from different week’s posts that I believe will help all of us as we move into the time of year where we are continually told about the importance of writing out New Years Resolutions and Big Hairy Audacious Goals for the upcoming year.

Goals vs. Lifestyle

New goals don't deliver new results. New lifestyles do.

And a lifestyle is not an outcome, it is a process. For this reason, all of your energy should go into building better habits, not chasing better results.

Building Habits

How long does it take to build a habit?

21 days? 30 days? 66 days?

The honest answer is: forever. Because once you stop doing it, it is no longer a habit.

A habit is a lifestyle to be lived, not a finish line to be crossed. Make small, sustainable changes you can stick with.

Consistency vs. Intensity

Most people need consistency more than they need intensity.
-run a marathon
-write a book in 30 days
-silent meditation retreat

-don't miss a workout for 2 years
-write every week
-daily silence
Intensity makes a good story. Consistency makes progress.

What’s Important Now? Build consistent, daily habits that will help you on the journey to create the lifestyle you want. 

P.S. Here is a link to a 7 minute interview James Clear did with Global TV in Toronto where he shares 5 tips for creating new habits.

James Clear Interview

Take care.

Brian Willis



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W.I.N. Wednesday: Three Kinds of Men

“There are three kinds of men. The ones that learn by reading. The few who learn by observation. The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence themselves.”

Will Rogers

This quote by Will Rogers caused me to pause and reflect. As I thought about these “three types of men” it struck me that to be most effective you need to be a combination of all three. 

There are things you can learn from books, blogs, newsletters, research abstracts, podcasts, interviews and other sources of information, knowledge and wisdom. It is easy to stay here, and maybe even get stuck here. Reading and listening are important but they are not enough. 

Other critical pieces of information and understanding are best gained from observation. Observing others in action. Observing others reactions to us. Observing theories in action in the real world. Observing research concepts being applied in context in your world.  

And, there are some critical lessons we can only learn from experience. There are times when we need to get out of the books, step away from observing, and get to work doing, applying, assessing, redoing, and reassessing. It is often in the doing that you learn how to truly connect the dots between what you read, what you observed and what you do. It is in the doing that you also learn what works for you given your unique strengths, talents and roles. 

Combining all three elements is the foundation for wisdom. I believe wisdom comes from studying, observing, doing, reflecting and assessing. This is not a linear progression like a nice straight line on a graph. It looks more like the scribbling of a small child. At times it is almost chaotic as you bounce around between these three elements.  

What's Important Now? You can choose just to read, observe or pee on the electric fence. Or, you can choose to weave all three elements into your growth and development. 

Take care.

Brian Willis




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W.I.N. Wednesday: Progress and Self Loathing

In a recent blog post by James Clear, the author of Atomic Habits, he shared some important wisdom his wife passed along to him:

You can be happy with who you are and still want to be better. You can love your body and still want to improve it. You can appreciate your financial state and still want to improve it.

Progress does not require self-loathing. You can feel successful along the way.

Progress does not require self-loathing, hating your body or your life or hitting rock bottom. Sometimes those are motivators, but they do not have to be. Self-loathing takes a toll and can become a mindset that will lead you down a dangerous path.

It is also important to understand that just because you are happy with where you are does not mean you have to settle. You can be happy and still continually strive to improve, grow, learn and get better. Committing to the pursuit of excellence and striving to be a little bit better tomorrow than you are today does not mean you can never be happy. In fact happiness is likely a result of the journey and what you learn along the way.

What’s Important Now? Like yourself, love yourself, be proud of who you are and what you have accomplished and then get back to work on the journey to continually being a better version of yourself.

Take care.

Brian Willis



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W.I.N. Wednesday: Beware the Compare Trap

It is easy to get caught up in the trap of comparing yourself to others. We compare based on how many followers they have on various social media platforms, how much money they make, how big the audiences are that they speak to, how big a house they have, how many pictures they have posted on Facebook from exotic vacation locations, how many books they have sold, how perfect their life / kids / marriage seem to be, their job title, and a host of other meaningless metrics.

Why do I say meaningless metrics? Because often it is a façade, a false front, an image they portray on the public forums.  Many people look at professional athletes with awe and a sense of wishing you had their life. Their fame is often short lived and many talk about the hollow feelings after reaching a goal of winning the big game or title.  For a number of them their personal lives are a train wreck.  The numbers are staging how many of them are bankrupt and struggling with depression within a few years of their retirement.

I enjoy watching the interviews Tom Bilyeu does for Impact Theory but, it is easy to start to believe that if you are not a successful entrepreneur running a multimillion dollar company, or someone who has gone from rock bottom to now speaking to, and allegedly influencing, millions of adoring fans that you are somehow an underachiever. 

The most recent issue of Success magazine listed the top “Influencers”.  Their status as an influencer however, is predicated on the number of “followers” they have on their various social medial platforms. Clicking on the “Follow” button is easy and drastically different from truly following someone, reading every post, taking action on what they are posting, being influenced and actually changing your life as a result of those actions.  It is cause for pause when I see someone who has tens of thousands of followers and is also following 1217 people. Really? All that tells me is they have clicked the Follow button on other people’s platforms 1217 times. 

Is someone who has millions of “followers” more influential that a sixth grade teacher in an inner city school who inspires a love of learning and a growth mindset in a group of young boys and girls and potentially changes the course of their life?  Is someone who routinely speaks to audiences of thousands of people truly more influential that someone who works one on one with people or with small groups and creates lasting change in the lives of those people?  Is an NFL coach more influential than a high school football coach who teaches the young men they coach how to be better men, better husbands, better fathers and better members of society?

The title “New York Times Best Selling Author” is one a lot of authors feel is something that sets them apart and proves they are a successful writer with an obviously important message. While there are a number of legitimate New York Times Best Selling Authors, this metric of success has resulted in people finding ways to scam the system just to get the coveted title.  

In an online program I am working through there was a component on High Performance where you were challenged to reflect on and write about High Performance and High Performers. It is my belief that High Performance is within your control. It is about striving to continually learn and grow and about performing at your best given the tools and skills you have at that moment, then reflecting on the performance and learning and growing from that process. I believe that being a High Performer is a label created by others and is outside your control. How do we determine who is a High Performer, or High Achiever? What are the metrics? Are they subjective, which they often are, or objective?  Is it based on scale, or impact? Is it based on effort and process or strictly on outcome? It is based on one’s life, or just a thin slice a person’s life?

Are numbers really a true measure of impact, influence and success, or are they arbitrary numbers created to make some people feel important and others feel like under achievers?  Are we so busy trying to impress with numbers and titles, show how we changed the world, or are Best in World, that sometimes we forget what is really important?

What if we were to focus more on significance and less on “success”?  

What if we focused more on significance than on scale?

What if we focused more on Eulogy Virtues than Resume Virtues

What if we followed the advice of Confucius - “Worry not who knows of you; seek to be worth knowing.” and focused on continually striving to be the best version of ourselves?

What if we embraced the wisdom of John Wooden – “Mentoring is why you should get up every morning; to teach and be taught.” and strove to be of service to others and develop others?

Might Seth Godin’s - “Don’t tell me what you invented; tell me who you changed.”,  be a more meaningful metric than number of followers on Instagram, Facebook or LinkedIn?

Maybe we should be seeking the Stillness Ryan Holiday talks about in this interview with Chase Jarvisbased his new book Stillness is the Key. 

What’s Important Now? Focus on what you control, which are your thoughts, attitudes, decisions and actions and strive to continually learn, grow and be the best version of you so you can live a life of significance and impact. 

Take care.

Brian Willis



Maximizing human potential through Life's Most Powerful Question - What's Important Now?

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W.I.N. Wednesday: That shi*t will never serve me.”

It is easy to get caught up in the Blame Game and blame all levels of government, the company you work for, your boss, your co-workers, your parents, your spouse, even your children for your circumstances and your situation in life. It is certainly easier than standing up, owning up and accepting responsibility for your choices, decisions, actions and words. 

One of the lines in the song Budding Trees by Nahko and Medicine For The People is, “Let go of blame that shit will never serve me.”  This strikes me as an important philosophy for life. 

Blame will never serve you in a positive way. It will however, serve to keep you stuck. It will serve to fuel your anger, indignation and frustration. Living in the Blame Game leads to living with a victim mentality. 

It is only when we stand up, own up and take responsibility that we can move forward. Is that always easy? No. Does it often require courage and vulnerability? Yes. Is it worth it? Yes. 

As Maya Angelou says, "If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain." 

Rule #2 in the 3 Rules from Pete Carroll’s Win Forever philosophy is, “No whining, no complaining, no excuses.” Whining, complaining and excuses are all symptoms that you are in the Blame Game and living with a victim mentality. 

What’s Important Now? Remember Rule #2, let go of blame, Embrace the Suck, Look for the Good and Dare to Be Great. 

Take care.

Brian Willis



Maximizing human potential through Life's Most Powerful Question - What's Important Now?


W.I.N. Wednesday: Enough Already

Enough already with promoting and glamorizing failure. I get it. Failure can mean you are pushing the envelope and trying new things. Failure can be an opportunity to learn a better way to do something and to grow. Failure can teach humility. Failure can also be from lack of effort. Failure can be a result of giving up and not doing the work. Failure can become a way of thinking and a habit. Failure is not the key. 

There are a number of key factors we should be focusing on.

Striving is one of those keys. Striving to improve, to learn and to find a better way.

Competing to be better tomorrow than you are today and to do things better than they have ever been done before is a key.

Focusing on effort and process are key. 

Understanding that in the striving and the competing sometimes you are going to be unsuccessful in achieving the desired result is key. 

When you are unsuccessful it is important to step back, reflect, access, and ask yourself, or your team, what did I / we learn from this? What can we do to enhance the effort or process to grow from this experience? 

Let’s stop glamorizing failure and focus on striving, competing, learning, growing, and doing the work. People who fail all the time without reflecting, assessing, learning, growing are usually referred to as failures, not successes. 

Failure is easy. Striving, competing, working, getting back up, reflecting, learning, growing are hard. 

A lot of very successful people talk about the importance of failure as a key to success. It sounds cool. It sells. My concern is that we selling the wrong message. When I read their impressive stories it strikes me that it is the work ethic, the growth mindset, the commitment to excellence, the striving for mastery and the way they responded to the failures that are key to their success, not the failure itself. 

What’s Important Now? – Strive to improve, compete to always be better, do the work, and when you fail assess, learn, regroup and get back to work striving, competing, learning and growing.

Take care.

Brian Willis



Maximizing human potential through Life's Most Powerful Question - What's Important Now?


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W.I.N. Wednesday: If you are one, know one or are talking to one.

If you are an expert in sleep, nutrition, brain health, fitness or any element of wellness, please give advice and recommendations that can be applied everyone, including the millions of people for whom shiftwork is part of life. If you know an expert in these areas, or are talking to one, please ask them to provide advice and strategies that can be used by everyone.

For people who work shift work or people who get up at 2:00 a.m. because their shift at the airport starts at 3:30 a.m. the following advice may be of limited or no value:

  • Don’t have drink coffee after 2:00 p.m.

  • Don’t eat after 7:00 p.m.

  • Get up at 5:00 a.m. to be most productive with your day

What might be more helpful is:

  • Consume your last caffeinated beverage 6 to 8 hours before going to bed (10 to 12 hours is even better) to avoid the caffeine disrupting your sleep. 

  • Eat your last meal no later than 2 hours before you go to bed. If you can have 3 to 4 hours after your last meal and when you go to bed that may be even better for your sleep and your brain health.

  • Develop a system to ensure you are able to fit in self-care activities such as exercise, meditation and reading. That may vary depending on what shift you are working and those activities may be before work or after work. 

“Get exposure to sunlight within the first 30 minutes of getting up to help regulate your hormones and your circadian rhythm.” may not be useful advice for people who live in the Artic and may not see the sun during the winter, or people who live in parts of the world where we do not see the sun until 8:00 or 9:00 a.m. during the fall and winter, or people who work night shift and may not get up while the sun is still out in the winter. What might be more helpful would be to say, “Try to get some sun exposure in the first part of your day. If that is not possible then possibly look at investing in a light box, having some full spectrum lights in your home or provide some alternative strategies.

To say “meal replacement bars and shakes are crap.” Is not helpful for a person for whom sometimes that is the only option. What would be helpful is to provide information regarding what to look for in the contents and nutritional breakdown on the packages to find the ones that might be better options. 

“Turn off all your devices 3 hours before you go to bed to eliminate blue light disruptions of your sleep.” may not be useful for people who read on a tablet before going to bed to help them wind down, or people who use meditation apps on their phones to wind down or help fall asleep, or listen to relaxing music on their phone as a strategy to decompress before bed. What might be more helpful would be to advise them of the reasons that blue light exposure may disrupt sleep and advise them to use the “Nighttime” dimming function on their devices, install apps such as f.lux on their computers, purchase blue light blocking glasses or other strategies. 

Giving advice based on some mistaken belief that everyone works 9:00 to 5:00 dayshift and lives in Southern California is only helpful to people who do. For the rest of us it would be more helpful if you reframed the advice so it is easily applied regardless of our schedules and place of residence. 

What’s Important Now? Strive to understand the reasons behind the advice and the general principles that will allow you to apply the advice to your life. If you are or know an expert, ask them to teach principles and concepts we can all apply. 

Take care.

Brian Willis



Maximizing human potential through Life's Most Powerful Question - What's Important Now?

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W.I.N. Wednesday: It's a Gift

“You have a gift.” This is something people who have worked very hard to excel in areas of their life hear from others who are impressed by their abilities. People are told they have a gift as a parent, a teacher, a speaker, a listener, a writer, a painter, a photographer, an athlete, a businessperson, a musician, a dancer, a care giver, a paramedic, nurse or doctor or any number of arenas of performance. While it is meant as a compliment to acknowledge the level the person has risen to on their journey in the pursuit of excellence and mastery, I am not sure that it is the best way to issue that compliment. 

Why do I say that? Because the phrase “It’s a gift.”, implies it is something the person was given or gifted by someone else. “It’s a gift.”, does not acknowledge all the hours of work, study and preparation. It does not recognize all the ups and downs, all the stops and starts, all the iterations, the struggles, the detours, the books read, the classes taken or the mistakes made and lessons learned. It does not account for all the hours in the gym, in the classroom, tending to the sick and dying, on the practice field, in the dance studio, with a sketchbook or in front of an easel. It does not account for all the hours of writing that never made it as a blog post, an article or a book. It does not account for all the frustrations of figuring out what works and what does not as a parent, a teacher or a leader. It is outcome focused, rather than focusing on the effort and process that make up the journey of striving for excellence, greatness or mastery.

If it is a gift, it probably came unassembled, with thousands of pieces and with many of the pages missing from the instruction manual. If it is a gift, it is not a gift they received, but one they give; the gift of their time, the gift of listening, the gift of being present, the gift of helping someone else discover and grow their seeds, the gift of their art or their music, the gift of entertainment or the gift of inspiring learning.

The more I study this the more I believe these are skills not gifts. They are skills that start as seeds; seeds planted by experiences in life. Parents, teachers and coaches plant some of these seeds. The environment you grow up in both planted and influenced seeds. We all have a variety of seeds planted within us. What we do with those seeds varies drastically from person to person. 

In order to grow, those seeds need to be tended to and nourished. Those seeds need sunlight and a weed free environment. Some of those seeds within us get the attention they need, get the nourishment they need in the form of reading, training, evaluation, reflection, feedback, effort, coaching, asking, listening, and doing on a continual basis.  Continual growth is a result of a commitment to effort and process. 

Some of those seeds in you lay dormant for years before we start to acknowledge them and grow them. Some get attention early, and then get neglected for years before we get back to them and begin to grow them. Some get ignored and continually pushed back down. 

I was watching an interview with Kute Blackson who gets told all the time that he has a “gift” as a speaker. He talked about the reality that the seeds as a speaker were planted early. Growing up he listened to his father and grandfather who were both preachers and great speakers. At 8 years of age his father started having Kute speak to large audiences in his father’s churches. As a child he was continually reading spiritually based self-development books. He dreamt of being a speaker and speaking to large audiences of people sharing messages of empowerment and growth. Starting at age 11 he would sneak out of his room in the apartment they lived in behind his father’s church late at night and spent 3 to 4 hours in the empty church speaking to what he imagined as a full house of people engaged in his message. Both his environment and key people in his life planted the seeds. He had to do the work over decades however, to get the point where he is now. Even now he does not think he has arrived. He continues to put in the work, work that no one else ever sees.

I am currently reading The Creative Habit by Twyla Tharp, a world-renowned dance choreographer. In a section I read yesterday she talked about the process of creating a Broadway Musical based on the music of Billy Joel. I am sure that after people experienced the performance on Broadway they told her she had a “gift”. The reality is that she had the seed of an idea. She then set about on a long and arduous journey to turn that seed into a Broadway musical. That seed of an idea was interwoven with her seeds as a dancer, choreographer, student of music, student of art, a thinker and a connector of dots. People see the end result, the Broadway Musical, and miss all the work that went into its creation. 

“You have obviously worked very hard to develop your skills and abilities as a _______________ (fill in the blank). Thank you for that.” might be a more accurate compliment.

What’s Important Now? Pay attention to the seeds stirring within you, then become a gardener and commit to tending to, nourishing and growing those seeds over the course of your life. A few of those seeds may grow into a gift you can give to others. 

Take care.

Brian Willis



Maximizing human potential through Life's Most Powerful Question - What's Important Now?

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